Friday, November 19, 2010

First Bobcat

G-Man is finally old enough for Cub Scouts. He is excited to get into scouts. Who wouldn't want time to play with friends and get out of the house for non-school activities from time to time? Here he is in in brand-new scout shirt, that Mommy stayed up late to sew on the patches.
 At the pack meeting, they introduced G-Man as the newest Bobcat. He got to the front of group, and I got to paint his face with the Native American inspired face markings.


TrishAnderson said...

FUN!!! Lexi was excited int he same way for Achievement Girl activities. But hers is only every other each rather than every week. Still the excitement that comes is just pure JOY!!

Have fun with scouting G Man! You are looking soooo grown up!!

Rulon and Toni said...

Wish I could be his cub scout leader. Those were the fun days.