I have to post some current pictures of the garden. This garden is my baby and now that Scooch is a year, it officially takes the coveted "favorite child" spot. My camera seems to only have eyes for my baby. Its been fascinating growing these things in my yard and I've discovered a few things along the way.

1. I love climbing plants. I love watching the pole beans climb up the trellis and I am totally amazed how they know how to do that. Unfortunately with the unusually hot weather its been dropping its blossoms and we aren't getting too many beans. As much as I love to watch the pole bean climb the trellis, I don't think they are a good fit for the hot AZ weather. I also love the beans fresh from the vine. So good!

2. This cabbage is huge! The plant is at least two feet across now. We were so afraid it was going to seed because the head was loose for a very long time. It finally hardened up and we're going to pick it this weekend. Now I have to find something to do with it...

3. Tomato plants get huge! We have a ton of green tomatoes and they're finally starting to turn red. We picked our first ones yesterday. I am not a huge fan of tomatoes, but these were good! I could eat them straight from the garden.

4. Onion blossoms are beautiful. I didn't know that onions blossom.

5. Corn is very fun to grow. It grows so fast and gets very tall. I planted it too close together so I've been "helping" with the pollination. Its been quite the lesson in reproduction at our house. Hopefully it works and our ears will be full. The first ones should be ready to pick in a week or so.

6. I also think the pea blossoms are beautiful. Unfortunately the peas do not like the hot weather and are about at an end. They are another climbing plant that I have enjoyed watching grow. We mostly ate the pods straight out of the garden.
The kids are really enjoying this experience. There is something so fulfilling about planting a seed and watching it grow into something that you can touch and feel and eat. I hope I don't get too burned out with keeping it up.