Sunday, March 22, 2009

I'm A Third Time Mom: Part 2

Things in our house have been disappearing. First it was the stopper to the sink. Now it is the citrus juicer. Then the other day Chad fished three things out of the trash that Scooch had put in there. I guess germs aren't the only problem with letting your child play with the trash can.

We had our first Easter Egg hunt of the season. We do it early to get the egg hunting out of the kids' system. Then we can actually focus on Christ during the Easter season instead of painted eggs and bunny rabbits. Now that Scooch is 11 months old he's getting quite heavy and I had to put him down. He's cruising around a picnic table with a stick in his hand. I take my eyes off of him to help Kiwi and when I turn back around he is now sitting on the ground with something crumbly. Something dark and crumbly...I thought I had scoured the area for harmful materials, but I guess I missed the piece of dog crap he was about to munch on. I'm still pretty disgusted. I don't think he managed to get any in his mouth, but EEW!


witticism here said...

So, ummm, don't feel bad, my kid did try dog poop. The silver lining is he will never do that again.

Andy and Sara said...

Wow. I don't even recognize him! He's so big! Guess that's what happens! Haven't seen him since Christmas!

lyz's world said...

hahahahahahahaha! another good story Luann, and yes he has grown tons since we last saw him. I wonder how I'll be with the second one...

paul and lacy ebert said...

I also wonder what it will be like with another little one! sound like it will be fun and lots of work!Kids are so funny!

TrishAnderson said...

WoW! Doggy doo doo. I have been informed by our Pediatrician that their own won't harm them (speaking from experience of course). I am not sure about a doggie's doo.