Kiwi turned four last week. We had a party Thursday complete with dress up, a three tiered cake, dancing, balloons, flowers, and a full fledged tea party with mini food. I invited some 10 year old girls over to help out because Chad was working. That was probably the best thing you could ever do. 10 year old girls love little kids and gladly help and get involved in a way dads just can't. What does a father know about dress up and tea parties? Everything went smoothly until candles were lit and "Happy Birthday" was sung. Something about everyone suddenly singing to her freaked her out and I ended up having to hold her and blow out her candles. You really never know with this girl.

I have to take a minute to talk about my beautiful daughter. This little girl came into our life with a bang. When I went to bed the night of her due date I said the baby was late because it was girl and she had to make her entrance. Withing two hours I was in labor and two hours after that she was born. It was quite crazy.It kind of reflects life with her at home.

This little girl is quite the independent little thing. She wants to be able to do things for herself, and she wants to do them on her own terms. Expect to hear about it if you try and change things up. Especially if said change is not pleasing to the Kiwi girl.

Sometimes I wonder if her screaming has ever reached levels that would cause hearing loss. Especially while having her hair done. She hasn't taken me up on my offer to cut it all off like my mom did to me.

Kiwi is very determined. I know we shouldn't compare children, but it really paints a picture of her personality. While her brother is very calculating and cautious, she is not afraid to try new things. We were amazed at how quickly she learned to climb and ride her bike, where G-man spent much more time learning these things. We chalk it up to her determination to learn, even if it is difficult.
Right now I am watching her get excited about learning. She has suddenly become fascinated with writing and reading. She made a goal to write her name by her birthday and within two weeks I was finding her name scribbled on any spare piece of paper she could find. Granted, some of those papers were not a her disposal for writing, but you take what you can with her.
I have been so blessed to have this beautiful little girl in my life. We fight almost daily, but she is always ready to hug and cuddle at the end of the day. Chad hardly ever fights with her. He says its because he knows how to deal with girls like her. He's had a lot of practice the last 8 years.
We love our granddaughter so much also. She is a joy to watch and interact with as she tries to find her own way in this world.
Grandma Toni
we love you Kaylie!
Happy birthday Kaylie. It sounded like I was reading about Bailey for a minute. I think Chad's comment is priceless & hilarious!!!!
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