I've always had a love/hate relationship with my name. I love it because it has meaning. I was named after my mom's sister who passed away shortly after birth. I always felt a responsibility to live my life in a way that would make her and my grandmother proud. I hated it in my youth. I wanted to have a "popular" name. I never met another person with my name until Junior High when an 80 year old guest speaker had the same name as me. I was really embarrassed.
My only consolation was my favorite comic strip, 'Luann'. I could completely relate to her and was thrilled that there maybe someone out there named Luann who didn't have gray hair.
I still feel like my name is a bit old-fashioned and a bit southern but also different. I can appreciate that I didn't have to grow up being the third Stephanie in my second grade class. I wonder how the future generation will feel about their unique names with unique spellings that are so popular right now. Its interesting how everyone's obsession with being unique has become another trend that makes them the same as everyone else.

My only consolation was my favorite comic strip, 'Luann'. I could completely relate to her and was thrilled that there maybe someone out there named Luann who didn't have gray hair.
I still feel like my name is a bit old-fashioned and a bit southern but also different. I can appreciate that I didn't have to grow up being the third Stephanie in my second grade class. I wonder how the future generation will feel about their unique names with unique spellings that are so popular right now. Its interesting how everyone's obsession with being unique has become another trend that makes them the same as everyone else.

This is hillarious!!! I didn't know there was a comic strip with your name... that's cool. I wonder if Ruthie has the same love/hate with her name... is there a comic strip with her name? that would help, don't you think....Now I wish I had my own comic strip...I liked this post
I also forgot to say that is funny that the author's last name is Evans... funny how "the Universe" works
Totally one of my favorites too and I always get a kick out of how the author's name goes along so well with names in your family!
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