Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day 2014

I got creative this year for Valentine's Day. Thankfully G-man has aged out of the class valentine tradition, so I only had to provide two varieties. Lego Star Wars for Mr. S who wrote and cut the cards himself. He made me find a girl Jedi for the girl cards. Because it matters when you're in Kindergarten.

Kiwi went for cute, with adorable penguins she and our neighbor decorated together. Definitely one of my favorite Valentine cards I've done.

 I even managed a cookie decorating party at a friend's house with JW. I love his friend W doing what kids do when decorating cookies. Just go straight for the mouth with that frosting. Why bother with the cookie?

I think this year was a win for V day. Although I have no record of what Chad and I did for each other. It was our 14th Valentine's day together. Does it even matter anymore?

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