Sunday, February 26, 2012

Great Grandma Cox

My grandma passed away last week. She was just a few days past 94.  She's my mothers mother, and I've always been closer to my mom's side of the family.  It probably has something to do with the fact that my dad's mom passed when I was only 15.  It's hard to keep an extended family strong when the mom is gone.  It also probably has to do with the fact that I see so much of my self in my mother and in her mother.  I probably would see much of myself in my mother's mother's mother.

   We Cox ladies are a fairly particular set.  We like things to be how we like them to be and we get pretty upset when it doesn't go the way we hope.  We work hard and we play hard.  Beware of playing cards with us.  You might end up with the deck in your lap  Although I think that trait may have skipped my mom. 

My grandma was the wife of a farmer.  Life was hard.  She canned, she baked bread, she gardened, and she sewed.  She also was a teacher, working at the local elementary school for many years. She served a mission for our church with my grandpa. She also traveled, seeing much of the world, with or without my grandpa.  If the farm wouldn't let him go, she planned trips without him.

I love my grandma.  She did so many things that are just dreams to me right now. I was named after her oldest child who died at birth.  My daughter was named for her mother.  I hope to live up to the legacy she left me and pass it on to my daughter too.  


Andy and Sara said...

Very sweet post Luann!

Rulon and Toni said...

Oh I have thrown my share of cards and told your dad he had to sleep on the couch over a card game. Thanks so much for a beautiful tribute.

paul and lacy ebert said...

It is a wonderful blessing to have strong families. So Glad to have that in my own heritage, and to now be a part of the Cox/Ebert heritage. I am so blessed to pass down wonderful hearitage on all sides to my children.