Thursday, October 14, 2010


Chad's parents sent us a box of these for fun a few days ago, so of course we had to try them. It was like Russian Roulette with Jelly Beans. There were many nasty faces made, and a little bit of retching in garbage cans. Poor Seth loves Jelly Bellys , and it was kind of sad to see his happy face slowly turn to one of revulsion as he spit the offending bean into a napkin. We had a lot of fun. I think for the next extended family gathering I may mix a box of these into a Costco size container of Jelly Bellys and sit back and wait. Beware the Jelly Belly jar next time you come down mom!


Sarah said...

Gross! I just went to the Jelly Belly website to see what exactly the nasty flavors were, and after reading it I don't think I would've been brave enough to try any of them! Chocolate pudding vs Canned dog food? Juicy pear vs Booger? Buttered popcorn vs Rotten egg?


paul and lacy ebert said...

That does sound gross! But I would think it was very fun to toss them in with the good beans....