Sunday, March 7, 2010

Birthday Girl Drama

A Kiwi birthday would not be complete without a little drama. I have a friend with an eight year old who is also quite the little over-reactor. So I guess I have to learn to deal with it instead of getting annoyed by it. I love my little five year old, drama and all.

On a side not we went to a very fun play area in Chandler to celebrate her birthday called Makutu's island. Perfect for her age. Chad's 3 year old nephew wasn't quite up to it, but Kiwi had a blast. It's kind of like a overgrown McDonald's play land made to look like a tree. We'll definitely have to go back again some time.

This was all in between tiling my parent's back splash in their kitchen. We had quite the busy weekend. Now I think we may have to tile the back splash in our own kitchen. Right Chad....Chad?


lyz's world said...

hahaha, I think Chad is so looking forward to it...NOT!! right Chad?

TrishAnderson said...

Happy belated birthday. I forgot that our two girls are so close in age. So, there is drama at your house too? This third round of it is about to kill me... Seriously, the tantrum is going on right next to me sitting at my desk.